Pratt and Larson Embossed Series


Happy Wednesday!!! Matt Clark Tile & Stone is proud to introduce Pratt & Larson’s brand new Embossed Series.

These beautiful tiles use intricately hand carved lines to create underlying patterns. The classic designs are gorgeous when glazed monochrome in any of our standard colors.

Hand painting Embossed tiles using the Polywash technique accentuates the
impressed patterns further.

With this Embossed release, we are also expanding our Polywash Palette options to include 8 new bright, fun accent color options.

They now have a total of 16 stunning accent colors to choose from! You can find a few samples of this at Matt Clark Tile & Stone.

The Embossed Series consists of 3 unique 6×6 patterns, all of which are in the Base Relief pricing category. Special pricing applies to all Polywashed Embossed orders.

Come on down to the Matt Clark Tile & Stone showroom to see more of this great new series, and more from Pratt & Larson!

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